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 Conserv FS is a full-service distributor of proprietary grass seed, chemicals, fertilizers, ice melt and turf maintenance products to the turf and horticulture marketplace. Please contact us for product pricing and delivery scheduling. 


Kentucky Bluegrasses

Fine Fescues

Tall Fescues


Field Of Dreams™ Mixtures


Native & Wetland Seed Mixtures

State Seed Mixtures


Alpha Creeping Bentgrass - Product brochure

Alpha is the first of a new generation of creeping bentgrass, with qualities never before seen in golf turf.

L93 Creeping Bentgrass - Product brochure

L-93 is now gracing the greens, tees, and fairways of top golf courses nationally as well as internationally. Its reputation for being dark, dense, and aggressive has made it a world-renowned name in creeping bentgrasses. Formerly produced by Lofts Seed, L-93 is now exclusively part of the Jacklin Seed product lineup.

T-1 Creeping Bentgrass - Product Brochure

The single biggest factor that sets T-1 apart is ground coverage. T-1 retains ground coverage under some incredibly tough conditions.

Other Bentgrass Varieties:

  • Highland Colonial Bentgrass
  • Penncross Creeping Bentgrass
  • Penneagle Creeping Bentgrass
  • Pennway Creeping Bentgrass

Kentucky Bluegrass

4-Season Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

In NTEP data, 4-Season exhibited strong tolerance to wear and damage from traffic studies at both Wisconsin and New Jersey NTEP sites. When coupled with strong winter and early spring performance, 4-Season is a strong component for sports turf and recreational mixes.

Award Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Award is ideal fairway bluegrass performing at close mowing down to ½ inch (12 mm). In national testing, Award Kentucky Bluegrass scored #1 at mowing heights below 1 inch (25 mm).

BlueChip Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

BlueChip is the affordable Kentucky bluegrass that compliments any Jacklin blend. It mixes compatibly with Jacklin Seed's premium 5-steps Above varieties and provides sod strength 60% better than Glade in Nebraska sod lifting trials.

BlueChip Plus Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Adding BlueChip Plus to your blend provides additional resistance to summer patch, melting out, necrotic ring spot, leaf spot, snow mold, and dollar spot. It also resists seedling damping off.

Everest Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Everest is the ideal "mix-master" and combines well with all Jacklin varieties. Provides outstanding resistance against a wide spectrum of diseases and has proven quality performance through years of US and Canadian university trials. Everest produces a dark green, lush turf that's tough and virtually pest free.

Everglade Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

EverGlade is the third variety in the Glade family of top varieties and is the most impressive. In the 2000 NTEP trial EverGlade tied for #1 nationwide in overall quality (out of 173 entries in 2000-02 data).

Freedom III Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Freedom III combats the browning effects of common lawn pests with its built-in broad-spectrum resistance. In North American university trials, Freedom III ranked high against leaf spot, melting out, leaf rust, stem rust, necrotic ring spot, Microdochium pink snow mold, Typhula gray snow mold, red thread, stripe smut, summer patch, brown patch, dollar spot, and anthracnose.

Liberator Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Liberator tied for #1 in overall turf quality in the 1995-2000 NTEP test trials. Its chart-topping rhizome knitting makes Liberator a sod-grower's choice. Proven quality performance through over a decade of US/Canadian university trials. Liberator produces a fast germinating, dark green turf that's dense and virtually pest free.

NuBlue Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

NuBlue is an excellent-performing Kentucky Bluegrass variety with excellent resistance to brown patch and other diseases, along with a deep root system that helps it survive drought conditions.

NuBlue Plus Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

NuBlue Plus has the same great performance as NuBlue with the addition of built-in broad-spectrum disease resistance to dollar spot, summer patch, and leaf spot.

NuChicago Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

NuChicago is a strong performing Kentucky Bluegrass with good disease resistance and excellent quality turf that establishes quickly in the landscape. NuChicago has better shade tolerance than many standard bluegrass varieties.

NuDestiny Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

NuDestiny Kentucky Bluegrass is a turfgrass variety known for its vigorous growth, good disease resistance, and excellent drought tolerance, providing a lush and attractive lawn.

NuGlade Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

NuGlade is a high-quality Kentucky bluegrass that exhibits excellent disease resistance and performs well in both full sun and shaded conditions.

Rambo Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Rambo Kentucky Bluegrass is a top performer in the Midwest with exceptional drought resistance and overall turf quality, ideal for lawns and sports fields.

Rugby II Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Rugby II is one of the best varieties for lawns, sod, and sports turf, providing exceptional durability and a rich dark green color.

Rush Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Rush Kentucky Bluegrass is known for its quick establishment, superior color retention, and excellent disease resistance, making it a great choice for any lawn.

Solar Eclipse Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Solar Eclipse is a high-performing variety that thrives in sunny locations while maintaining superior disease resistance.

Total Eclipse Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Total Eclipse offers unparalleled performance in both drought and heat stress, making it an ideal choice for lawns that face challenging conditions.

Tsunami Kentucky Bluegrass - Product brochure

Tsunami Kentucky Bluegrass is highly tolerant to diseases and performs exceptionally well in both sunny and shaded areas.

Other Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties

  • Blackstone Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Classic Kentucky Bluegrass*
  • Kelly Kentucky Bluegrass*
  • Kentucky Bluegrass 98 / 85
  • Kentucky Bluegrass 85 / 80
  • Liberator Kentucky Bluegrass*
  • Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Nassau Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Newport Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Park Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Poa Trivialis 90 / 85
  • Rubens Canada Bluegrass

*5-Steps Above® Varieties

Fine Fescues

Aruba Creeping Red Fescue - Product brochure

Aruba strong creeping red fescue is a vigorous sod forming variety, which provides a bright medium green, fine-textured turf under minimal maintenance. It is well adapted to sandy, infertile and droughty soils and is an excellent choice on areas where regular maintenance is not possible, such as embankments, deep roughs, and roadsides.

Audubon Creeping Red Fescue - Product brochure

Audubon is an excellent choice for shaded landscapes. Audubon maintains good turf quality in the shade when others thin out. It does need a few hours of sunlight however to keep a healthy turf.

EcoStar Hard Fescue - Product brochure

Ecostar is an advanced generation synthetic cultivar originating from four breeding composites. The germplasm is originally selected from or related to the varieties Biljart and Scaldis in addition to germplasm collections from old turf areas of the U.S. and Western Europe.

Jamestown II Fescue - Product brochure

Jamestown II thrives in full sun as well as shade and performs best with minimal fertilization. Commonly used as a companion grass for creeping bentgrass fairway seeding, it provides a fine-textured playing surface with very good ball support.

Marco Polo Sheep Fescue - Product brochure

Once established, Marco Polo is extremely well-suited to drier, summer conditions. With an early dormancy trait to escape droughty conditions, this variety is a proven survivor under difficult conditions.

Rescue 911 Hard Fescue - Product brochure

Rescue 911 Hard Fescue (Festuca brevipila) is recommended for use on home lawns, parks, and golf course roughs.

Other Fine Fescue Varieties

  • Chewings Fescue
  • Pennlawn Red Fescue

Tall Fescues

Dryspell Tall Fescue Blend - Product brochure

DRYSPELL tall fescue blend of three heat and drought resistant grasses combats stress and heat in two ways: First, all the plants send out deep roots - up to 6 feet below ground!

Inferno Tall Fescue - Product brochure

INFERNO was developed through a cooperative effort between the New Jersey Ag Experiment Station and Jacklin Seed by Simplot. Plots were selected based on dark color, good resistance to disease, semi-dwarf stature, high turf density, and medium maturity.

NoNet Spreading Type Tall Fescue - Product brochure

Make way for Jacklin Seed’s NEW NoNet® spreading tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). NoNet was developed over 10 years to ensure that its rhizomatous spreading trait reaches the end user along with the improved turf characteristics you expect from a Jacklin variety. NoNet is aimed at eliminating the costly nylon netting used in commercial sod production of bunch-type tall fescue. Netting is a hassle for the sod producer to purchase and install and it is a hazard for sports fields where players’ cleats can catch on the net for years to come.

Pixie Turf-Type Tall Fescue - Product brochure

Pixie is recommended for home lawns, parks, athletic fields, and golf courses. Pixie blends well with Kentucky bluegrass in ratios of 70% to 90% tall fescue by weight. Pixie can be planted at a rate of 6 to 12 pounds per 1,000 square feet. It is best planted in the fall - at least 4 weeks before the first killing frost.

Quest Tall Fescue - Product brochure

Quest's density, disease resistance, and durability make it a perfect choice for home lawns, sports fields, parks, and golf course roughs.

Other Tall Fescue Varieties

  • Amigo Tall Fescue
  • Arid III Tall Fescue ... NEW!
  • Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue


Accent Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

Accent complements an Integrated Pest Management program by its improved disease resistance in conjunction with high endophyte content. Its excellent persistence is reflected in a high living ground coverage through the four seasons, with reduced winter damage.

Accent II Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

Accent II is our best sports ryegrass. In university traffic trials it has proven it is one tough grass with great resilience. At Michigan State University under simulated traffic, Accent II demonstrated superior wear tolerance and maintained high percent living ground cover.

A.S.A.P. Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

A.S.A.P. has been tested at our sites in Maryland, Ohio, New Jersey, and Idaho since 1998. In our 1998 Maryland trial, A.S.A.P. ranked higher than Brightstar, Pennant II, Palmer II and Calypso II in quality.

Caddieshack Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

In the final stages of development we concentrated on increasing Caddieshack's resistance to leaf spot disease. In National Tests, Caddieshack demonstrated improved resistance to leaf spot, pink snow mold, and dollar spot diseases.

Caddieshack II Ryegrass - Product brochure

Bred in North Idaho, Caddieshack II exhibits excellent performance during the winter. It tied for #1 for least winter damage in Minnesota (NTEP 06-1 report).

DoubleTime Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

Bred to fight for sport turf mangers and lawn care professionals. Double Time is a new and improved perennial ryegrass that is tough enough for the biggest NFL Tackle and safe enough for a newborn baby. Go ahead and tear it up, drive on it, run on it, stomp on it. Not a problem for Double Time.

Goalkeeper Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

GoalKeeper has been tested in trials across the country: At Post Falls, ID, Enon, OH, Poolesville, MD, Allentown, NJ, and other locations. In Idaho, GoalKeeper has consistently shown improved pink snow mold resistance and winter survival, making it ideally adapted for northern regions. On the humid East Coast, GoalKeeper has had good performance against net blotch disease and brown patch.

GoalKeeper II Ryegrass - Product brochure

In national wear trials using a Brinkman Traffic Simulator fitted with football cleats, Goalkeeper II maintained turf quality and a high percent of living ground cover. Goalkeeper II is great choice for athletic fields, helping keep your fields looking good with heavy wear.

La Quinta Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

La Quinta has one of the best overall performances for winter color, cold tolerance, and early spring green-up making it an excellent choice for winter over seeding in the Southwest.

Monterey II Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

Monterey II has been tested at our sites in Maryland, Ohio, New Jersey, and Idaho since 1998, and has been among the top performers.

Monterey 3 Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

Monterey 3 is one of our fastest germinating ryegrasses with its excellent seedling vigor. You get a jump on establishment making Monterey 3 a splendid addition to projects that need to be up quick.

Revenge GLX Ryegrass - Product brochure

Specifically selected for its resistance to gray leaf spot, Revenge GLX is the most resistant Jacklin variety available earning it the "GLX" designation.

Top Gun Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

TopGun performs well alone or in mixtures with Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, or as permanent turf in temperate and transition climates. TopGun is recommended for use on athletic fields, home lawns, industrial and school sites, and golf course roughs, tees, and fairways where perennial ryegrasses are adapted. DEVELOPMENT:

Top Gun II Perennial Ryegrass - Product brochure

Top Gun II has outstanding resistance to two of the more costly diseases to control: pythium blight and brown patch. In addition, Top Gun II has superior resistance to pink snow mold, and red thread as well as other common turfgrass diseases and pests.

Other Perennial Ryegrass Varieties

  • Accent Perennial Ryegrass
  • Annual Ryegrass
  • Continental Perennial Ryegrass
  • Omega III Perennial Ryegrass

Miscellaneous Grass Seed Varieties

  • Crown Vetch with Innoculant
  • Fults Alkaligrass
  • Oats
  • Timothy
  • White Dutch Clover
  • Winter Rye
  • Winter Wheat

Field of Dreams™ Mixtures

Field of Dreams Athletic Mixture


  • Diva Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Rockstar Kentucky Bluegrass or Blue Chip Plus Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Appalachian Kentucky Bluegrass • Gateway Kentucky Bluegrass


  • Accent II Perennial Ryegrass
  • Panther H2O Perennial Ryegrass
  • Goalkeeper Perennial Ryegrass
  • Palmer III Perennial Ryegrass
  • Top Gun II Perennial Ryegrass

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market. To order any of the products listed or obtain additional information please contact us.


Field of Dreams Gameday Mixture


  • Diva
  • Appalachian
  • Rockstar
  • Wild Horse
  • Gateway
  • Award
  • Nuglade
  • Blue Chip Plus


  • Top Gun II
  • Accent II
  • Palmer III
  • Panther H20
  • Pennant H20

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


  • New lawns: 3-4 lbs. per 1,000 feet²
  • Established lawns: 2-3 lbs. per 1,000 feet²

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market. To order any of the products listed or obtain additional information please contact us.


Field of Dreams Four Horsemen Mixture

25% Accent Perennial Ryegrass
25% Caddieshack Perennial Ryegrass
25% Goalkeeper Perennial Ryegrass
25% Top Gun Perennial Ryegrass

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


  • New lawns: 5-7 lbs. per 1,000 feet²
  • Established lawns: 3-5 lbs. per 1,000 feet²

To order any of the products listed or obtain additional information please contact us.


Field of Dreams Reseeder Mixture


  • Diva Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Rockstar Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Blue Chip Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Appalachian Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Gateway Kentucky Bluegrass


  • Accent II Perennial Ryegrass
  • Top Gun II Perennial Ryegrass
  • Panther H20 Perennial Ryegrass
  • Pennant H20 Perennial Ryegrass
  • Palmer III Perennial Ryegrass

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


To order any of the products listed or obtain additional information please contact us.


Field of Dreams Royal Blue Mixture


  • Appalachian Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Diva Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Rockstar Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Gateway Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Shamrock Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Jackpot Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Award Kentucky Bluegrass
  • NuGlade Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Rugby II Kentucky Bluegrass
  • NuBlue Plus Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Bluechip Plus Kentucky Bluegrass

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


To order any of the products listed or obtain additional information please contact us.



Greenskeeper Barrel Grass Mixture

Consists of over-runs, odd lots, floor sweepings, etc. We have our seed analysts issue purity test results. Great for roadsides, parks, landfills, etc. Mixtures are offered as available.


Greenskeeper Custom Mixture

Good all-purpose mix of fine-bladed grasses providing a nice appearance at a reasonable cost. Bluegrass provides a lasting beauty and durability, while the turf-type ryegrasses establish quickly and help control troublesome weeds.

50% Kentucky Bluegrass 98/85
30% Accent II Perennial Ryegrass (or comparable), Top Gun II, or Palmer III
20% Creeping Red Fescue

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


  • New lawns: 4-6 lbs. per 1,000 feet²
  • Established lawns: 3-4 lbs. per 1,000 feet²


Greenskeeper Drought Beater Mixture


Drought Beater

  • Traffic areas
  • Sports fields
  • Residential lawns
  • Commercial sites
  • Controls troublesome weeds
  • Performs well under both heavy and light soils


  • Tested and approved by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) as your guarantee of true water savings. These varieties meet a very stringent set of testing criteria to merit the Green Guard H20 Seal of Approval.
  • Requires less water, fertilizer, and mowing than most other grasses. Reduces need for inputs.
  • Formula produces some rhizomes for lateral spreading.
  • Very drought and traffic tolerant.
  • Components consist of newer, fine-bladed tall fescues.
  • Contains endophyte for disease resistance.
  • Beautiful overall turf quality and color.

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.



Greenskeeper Glamour Mixture

Fine-textured mix with quick germination, providing adaptability to moderate shade as well as full sunlight. Contains Kentucky bluegrass for winter hardiness and durability, along with turf-type ryegrasses for lasting appearance.

30% Kentucky Bluegrass 98/85
30% Creeping Red Fescue
40% Containing two improved turf-type perennial ryegrasses such as Accent II, Top Gun II, Palmer III, Panther GLS, Pennant H2O, or comparable

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


  • New lawns: 4-6 lbs. per 1,000 feet²
  • Established lawns: 3-4 lbs. per 1,000 feet²


Excellent blend of fine fescues ideally suited for low maintenance and shady areas. Superb under low managed conditions with unmatched shade tolerance.

25% Improved Creeping Red Fescue (ex. Epic, Audubon, etc.)
25% Improved Chewings Fescue (ex. J-5, Culumbra II, Ambrose, etc.)
25% Improved Hard Fescue (ex. Rescue 911, Reliant IV, Spartan II, etc.)
25% Improved Sheep Fescue (ex. Marco Polo, MX-86, Quatro, etc.)

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.



Greenskeeper Pasture Mixture

Formulated for efficient grazing in Midwestern parts of the United States.

25.50% Vernal Alfalfa
22.00% Timothy
16.50% Mammoth Red Clover
14.00% Alsike Clover
8.50% Annual Ryegrass
8.00% Orchard Grass
5.50% Ladino Clover

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


  • 25 lbs. per acre


Greenskeeper Premium Shady Mixture

Designed for low sunlight areas and requires only moderate maintenance. Early spring or fall seedings are best when foliage cover is minimal. Fertilization and water requirements are low and also does well on sandy soils.

40% Creeping Red Fescue
30% Improved Turf-Type Perennial Ryegrass
20% Improved Chewings Fescue
10% Newport/NuGlade Kentucky Bluegrass or comparable

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.



Greenskeeper Pride Mixture

Very good quality mix for those who consider appearance, disease resistance and wearability important features for home lawn.

20% Diva Kentucky Bluegrass or comparable
20% Rockstar Kentucky Bluegrass or comparable
20% Gateway or Guinness Kentucky Bluegrass or comparable
20% Creeping Red Fescue
20% Turf-Type Perennial Ryegrass

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.



Greenskeeper Roadway Mixture

Designed for roadsides, medians, etc.., where utility, salt tolerance and adaptability to varying soil conditions are important. Low maintenance required.

30% Fults Distans Alkaligrass
25% Rescue 911 Hard Fescue
25% Accent or Top Gun Perennial Ryegrass
20% Newport Kentucky Bluegrass

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


  • New lawns: 4-6 lbs. per 1,000 feet²
  • Established lawns: 3-4 lbs. per 1,000 feet²


Greenskeeper Super Shady Mixture

Outstanding mixture of selected varieties designed for difficult areas of heavy shade. Wears better than normal shady mixtures and is more aggressive.

25% Shade Tolerant Kentucky Bluegrass
25% Creeping Red Fescue
25% Improved Chewings Fescue
15% Turf-Type Perennial Ryegrass
5% Sabre II Poa Trivialis
5% Supranova Poa Supina

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


Conserv FS Super Shady Grass - Before and After Photos

Greenskeeper Super Shady Mixture Testimonial from University of Notre Dame 


Greenskeeper Valu Plus Mixture

Greenskeeper Valu Plus Mixture - Satisfactory for utility-type general usage areas where economy is important. Truly an all-purpose contractors mix with rapid establishment.

30% Improved Turf-Type Annual Ryegrass
30% Turf-Type Perennial Ryegrass
20% Creeping Red Fescue
20% Kentucky Bluegrass

Please note that varieties may vary depending on availability and newer varieties that come on the market.


Native / Wetland

Detention/Urban Disturbed Wetlands

  • Urban Wetland/Floodplain Mix
  • Sedge Ghetto TNG Mix
  • Tough Native Shoreline Mix
  • Native Grassy Detention Mix
  • Native Lo Pro Detention/Floodplain Mix
  • Native Diverse Detention Mix
  • Salt Tolerant Wetland/Detention Mix
  • Low Profile Salt Tolerant Wetland/Detention Mix

Detention/Urban Disturbed Wetlands Mix Grouping (PDF)

Erosion Control and Streambank

  • Slope/Streambank Grass Mix
  • Streambank Stabilization Mix
  • Shaded Streambank Mix
  • Dry Slope Mix

Erosion Control and Streambank Mix Grouping (PDF)

Full Sun, Upland Prairies

  • Native Green Roof Seed Mix (NEW)
  • Lake Michigan Bluff Seed Mix (NEW)
  • Lo Pro Dry Prairie Grass Mix
  • Lo Pro Dry Prairie with Flowers Mix
  • Lo Pro Dry Mesic Prairie Grasses Mix
  • Lo Pro Dry Mesic Prairie with Flowers Mix
  • Lo Pro Dry Mesic with Tall Flowers Mix
  • Low Pro EZ Prairie (Keep it $imple $tupid)
  • Forbs with Lo Pro Prairie Grasses
  • TALL Mesic Prairie Grasses Mix
  • TALL Mesic Prairie with Flowers Mix
  • Lo Pro Mesic Prairie Grass Mix
  • Lo Pro Mesic Prairie with Flowers Mix
  • George's Broad Spectrum Prairie Mix (NEW)

Full Sun, Upland Prairies Seed Mix Grouping (PDF)

Full Sun, Wet Prairies

  • Wet Mesic Prairie Grass Mix
  • Wet Mesic Prairie with Flowers Mix
  • Lo Pro Wet Mesic Prairie Grass Mix
  • Lo Pro Wet Mesic Prairie with Flowers Mix
  • Wet Meadow with Flowers Seed Mix

Full Sun, Wet Prairies (PDF)

Full Sun, Wetland

  • Emergent Seed Mix (dry)
  • Emergent Seed Mix (wet)
  • Emergent Shoreline/Wet Meadow Grasses Mix
  • Emergent Shoreline/Wet Meadow with Flowers Mix
  • Lo Pro Emergent Shoreline/Wet Meadow Grasses Mix
  • Lo Pro Emergent Shoreline/Wet Meadow with Flowers Mix
  • Shoreline Wet Edge Mix
  • Ground Water Wetland Mix (Fens, seeps and sedge meadows)
  • Urban Sedge Meadow Mix
  • Vegetated Drainage Swale Mix
  • Low Profile Vegetated Drainage Swale Mix
  • Mesic to Wet Stormwater Swale Mix (NEW)
  • Streamside Wetland Seed Mix

Full Sun, Wetland Mix Grouping (PDF)

Prairies for Clay Soils

  • Lo Pro Prairie for Clay Soils Mix
  • Broad Spectrum Prairie for Clay Soils Mix
  • Blonde Clay Seed Mix (NEW)
  • Tall Mesic Prairie for Clay Soils Mix
  • Wet Mesic Prairie for Clay Soils Mix

Prairies for Clay Soils Mix Grouping (PDF)

Savannas, Open Woods, and Tree Planting Areas

  • Tallgrass Mesic Prairie Savanna Seed Mix
  • Dry Mesic Savanna Open Woods Grasses Mix
  • Dry Mesic Savanna Open Woods with Flowers Mix
  • Lo Pro Dry Mesic Savanna Open Woods Grasses Mix
  • Lo Pro Dry Mesic Savanna Open Woods with Flowers Mix
  • Wet Savanna Open Woods Grass Mix
  • Wet Savanna Open Woodland with Flowers Mix
  • Lo Pro Wet Savanna Open Woods Grass & Sedge Mix
  • Lo Pro Wet Savanna Open Woods with Flowers Mix

Savannas, Open Woods, and Tree Planting Areas Mix Grouping (PDF)

State Seed Mixtures

Illinois Tollway

Illinois Tollway Class A1 Standard Mixture
Alta Tall Fescue 75 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 65 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Creeping Red Fescue 20 lbs. / acre
200 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class A2 Salt Tolerant Mixture
K-31 or Alta Tall Fescue 50 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Fults Distans Alkaligrass 40 lbs. / acre
Dawson Creeping Red Fescue 40 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Rescue 911 Hard Fescue 15 lbs. / acre
Buffalograss 10 lbs. / acre
235 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class 2E Salt Tolerant Roadside Mixture
Tall Fescue (Inferno, Tarheel II, Quest, Blade Runner or Falcon IV) 80 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 20 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 50 lbs. / acre
Creeping Red Fescue (Audubon, Sea Link, or Epic)   30 lbs. / acre
Hard Fescue (Rescue 911, Spartan II, or Reliant IV)                40 lbs. / acre
Fults Distans Alkaligrass 60 lbs. / acre
Dawson Creeping Red Fescue 20 lbs. / acre
300 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class 2F Roadside Mixture
Tall Fescue (Inferno, Tarheel II, Quest, Blade Runner or Falcon IV) 110 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 50 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 50 lbs. / acre
Creeping Red Fescue 50 lbs. / acre
Red Top 10 lbs. / acre
Dawson Creeping Red Fescue 20 lbs. / acre
290 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class A3 Native Slope Mixture
K-31 or Alta Tall Fescue 60 lbs. / acre
Spring Oats 50 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Fults Distans Alkaligrass 30 lbs. / acre
Dawson Creeping Red Fescue 25 lbs. / acre
Side-Oats Grama (Bouteloua Curtipendula) 15 lbs. / acre
Little Bluestem (Andropogon Scoparius)            10 lbs. / acre
Birdsfoot Trefoil 5 lbs. / acre
Alsike Clover 5 lbs. / acre
Indiangrass (Sorghastrum Nutans)     3 lbs. / acre
283 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class 3E Slope Mixture
Canada Wild Rye (Elymus Canadensis)            10 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Alsike Clover 10 lbs. / acre
Illinois Bundleflower (Desmanthus Illinoensis) 2 lbs. / acre
Little Bluestem (Andropogon Scoparius)            25 lbs. / acre
Side-Oats Grama (Bouteloua Curtipendula) 20 lbs. / acre
Fults Salt Grass        30 lbs. / acre
Oats, Spring 50 lbs. / acre
Slender Wheat Grass 15 lbs. / acre
Buffalo Grass (Cody or Bowie)  5 lbs. / acre
Alta Tall Fescue or K31 50 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 20 lbs. / acre
Annual Ryegrass 30 lbs. / acre
Creeping Red Fescue 15 lbs. / acre
322 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class A4 Native Grass Mixture
K-31 or Alta Tall Fescue 60 lbs. / acre
Spring Oats 50 lbs. / acre
Annual Ryegrass 35 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 35 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 30 lbs. / acre
Dawson Creeping Red Fescue 20 lbs. / acre
Little Bluestem (Andropogon Scoparius)            10 lbs. / acre
Side-Oats Grama (Bouteloua Curtipendula) 5 lbs. / acre
Indiangrass (Sorghastrum Nutans)  3 lb. / acre
Switchgrass (Panicum Virgatum)   1 lb. / acre
249 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class 4E Native Grass
Little Bluestem (Andropogon Scoparius)          15 lbs. / acre
Side-Oats Grama (Bouteloua Curtipendula) 10 lbs. / acre
Canada Wild Rye (Elymus Canadensis)                2 lbs. / acre
Switchgrass (Panicum Virgatum) 2 lbs. / acre
Indiangrass (Sorghastrum Nutans)    2 lbs. / acre
Annual Ryegrass     30 lbs. / acre
Oats, Spring 40 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass            25 lbs. / acre
Alta Tall Fescue 20 lb. / acre
146 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class 4F Low Profile Native Grass
Little Bluestem (Andropogon Scoparius) 20 lbs. / acre
Side-Oats Grama (Bouteloua Curtipendula)      15 lbs. / acre
Canada Wild Rye (Elymus Canadensis)                3 lbs. / acre
Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus Heterolepsis)  1 lbs. / acre
Annual Ryegrass     50 lbs. / acre
Oats, Spring              40 lbs. / acre
Perennial Ryegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Alta Tall Fescue 45 lbs. / acre
Kentucky Bluegrass            20 lb. / acre
Creeping Red Fescue 10 lb. / acre
Slender Wheat Grass 5 lb. / acre
249 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class A5 Forb/Annual Mixture
Forbs Mixture (see below) 14 lbs. / acre
Annual Mixture (see below) 2 lbs. / acre
16 lbs. / acre

Forbs Mixture

Mixture not exceeding 5% by PLS weight of any one of the following species:

  • Lead Plant
  • Smooth Aster
  • Prairie Bergamont
  • Purple Prairie Clover
  • Fragrant Coneflower
  • Thimble Weed
  • Sky Blue Aster
  • New Jersey Tea
  • Downy Sunflower
  • Prairie Blazing Star
  • White Prairie Clover
  • Butterfly Weed
  • White Wild Indigo
  • Rattlesnake Master
  • Rough Blazing Star
  • Dame's Rocket
  • Prairie Cinquefoil
  • Prairie Dock
  • Compass Plant
  • New England Aster
  • Pale Purple Coneflower
  • Yellow Coneflower
  • Stiff Goldenrod

Annual Mixture

Mixture not exceeding 25% by weight of any one of the following species:

  • Sand Coreopsis
  • Shasta Daisy
  • Black-Eyed Susan
  • Blanket Flower
  • Long-Headed Coneflower
Illinois Tollway Class A6 Special Use Slope
Perennial Ryegrass 60 lbs. / acre
Crown Vetch 40 lbs. / acre
Birdsfoot Trefoil 30 lbs. / acre
130 lbs. / acre
Illinois Tollway Class B1 Native Overseeding
Perennial Ryegrass 25 lbs. / acre
Spring Oats 25 lbs. / acre
Forbs Mixture (see below) 10 lbs. / acre
Little Blue Stem 5 lbs. / acre
Side Oats Grama 2 lbs. / acre
Indiangrass 2 lbs. / acre
Prairie Wild Rye 2 lbs. / acre
Switchgrass 2 lbs. / acre
Prairie Dropseed 1 lb. / acre
74 lbs. / acre

Forbs Mixture

Mixture not exceeding 10% by PLS weight of any one of the following species:

  • Sky Blue Aster
  • New England Aster
  • Dame's Rocket
  • Pale Purple Coneflower
  • Prairie Betony
  • Rough Blazing Star
  • Lupine
  • Prairie Yellow Coneflower
  • Cream Baptisia
  • White Prairie Clover
  • Stiff Goldenrod
  • Smooth Aster
  • Shooting Stars
  • Rattlesnake Master
  • Prairie Quinine
  • Prairie Blazing Star
  • Prairie Bergamont
  • Black-Eyed Susan
  • New England Aster
  • Purple Prairie Clover
  • Compass Plant
Illinois Tollway Class B2 Wildflower Overseeding
Perennial Ryegrass 20 lbs. / acre
Buffalograss 5 lbs. / acre
Side Oats Grama 3 lbs. / acre
Blue Grama 1 lb. / acre
Annuals (below) 2 lbs. / acre
Forbs (below) 14 lbs. / acre
45 lbs. / acre

Forbs Mixture

Mixture not exceeding 10% by PLS weight of any one of the following species:

  • Smooth Aster
  • Rough Blazing Star
  • Pale Purple Coneflower
  • Sky Blue Aster
  • Prairie Yellow Coneflower
  • Rattlesnake Master
  • Dame's Rocket
  • Prairie Cinquefoil
  • Stiff Goldenrod
  • Black-Eyed Susan

Annual Mixture

Mixture not exceeding 25% by weight of any one of the following species:

  • Lance-leaved Coreopsis
  • Corn Poppy
  • Black-Eyed Susan
  • Indian Blanket
  • Upright Prairie Coneflower
  • Catchfly
Illinois Tollway Class D1 Wetland Mixture
Annual Ryegrass 40 lbs. / acre
Wetland Grasses (below) 6 lbs. / acre
46 lbs. / acre

Wetland Grasses

Species Percentage by Weight
Blue Joint Grass 12%
Lake Bank Sedge 6%
Awl-Fruited Sedge 6%
Tussock Sedge 6%
Fox Sedge 6%
Needle Spike Rush 3%
Blunt Spike Rush 3%
Fowl Manna Grass 14%
Common Rush 6%
Slender Rush 6%
Torrey's Rush 6%
Rice Cut Grass 10%
Hard-Stemmed Bulrush 3%
Dark Green Rush 3%
River Bulrush 3%
Prairie Cordgrass 4%

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Please read both of these documents as the changes affect your legal rights. By continuing you agree to these updates.